elikadura-hornidura 3000w zuzengailu modularra 220v-tik 48v dc potentzia zuzentzaile sistema 110a 1200v

Elikatze-iturri kommutazio baten eskemaren azalpen zehatza, kommutazio-iturri edo kommutazio-bihurgailu gisa ere ezagutzen da, maiztasun handiko energia elektrikoa bihurtzeko gailua eta elikadura-hornidura mota bat da. Its function is to convert a precise voltage into the voltage or current required by the user through different forms of architecture

1. Main circuit

Impulse current limiting: limits the impulse current on the input side at the moment the power is turned on.

Input filter: Its function is to filter out the clutter existing in the power grid and feedback the clutter that hinders the generation of the machine back to the power grid.

Rectification and filtering: Directly rectifying the AC power supply of the power grid into smoother DC power.

Inversion: Transforming rectified DC power into high-frequency AC power, which is the core part of high-frequency switching power supplies.

Output rectification and filtering: Provide stable and reliable DC power supply according to load requirements.

2. Control circuit

On the one hand, samples are taken from the output end, compared with the set value, and then the inverter is controlled to change its pulse width or frequency to ensure stable output. On the other hand, based on the data provided by the test circuit and identified by the protection circuit, control circuits are provided to provide various protection measures for the power supply.

utzi erantzun bat

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatuta daude *

Pure Sine Inverter 48v dc to AC 120v AC Inbertsore monofasea Potentzia inbertsore
jadanik 1902 mezuak

  • kristin 10:12 AM, Gaur
    kristin, kristin