Panel LCD display graphical representation instruction
1.1LCD display and function keys interface can display the equipment working status, such as: input/output voltage, maiztasuna, grid mode, inverter mode, battery capacity, load capacity, alarm warning etc.
The horizontal small pure sine wave inverter outputs a sine wave alternating current, which is the same as or even better than the grid we use daily. in short. Pure sine wave inverters can provide high-quality AC and efficiency. High-stability pure sine wave output, high-frequency technology, tamaina txikia, easy to carry, can drive most loads (such as household air conditioners, refrigerators, soymilk and other inductive load appliances) without interference
Guide ①-- Fan ②-- AC input/output termianl ③--AC input/output fuse holder ④--RS232 communication interface(optional function) ⑤--Battery terminal negative input terminal ⑥-- Battery terminal positive terminal ⑦-- Earth terminal
1-10KW-TIK KOMUNIKAZIO Eremuko potentziarako egokia
1. Telekomunikazio geltokia/basea/Kable ekipamendua
2. Komunikazio Estazioa.
3. Datu-zentro informatikoa
4. SCADA Sareak eta Datu Ekipoak
5. Telefono/sakelako oinarria
6. Irrati-oinarrizko estazioak/Gune zelularrak
7. Jarraipen zentroko gela
8.Hiriko WIFI gailua
9. Larrialdietako komunikazio autoa
10. Trenbidea & metroa
11. Banatutako Antena Sistemak
12. Itsasoa & itsasoz kanpo
13. Eraikinen Kudeaketa Sistemak
14. Suteen Alarma Sistemak
15. energia-zerbitzuak Sistema Kontrola /eremua
16. zentrala/zentral elektrikoa
17.Potentzia kontrolatzeko sistema
18.Eguzki energia sistema
19.Energia eolikoaren sistema
Double CPU intelligent control technology, excellent performance
● The grid mode/energy-saving mode/battery mode could be set, application flexible
● Charge current/battery type could be set, convenient and practical
● Intelligent fan control, safe and reliable
● Pure sine wave AC output, and be adapt to all kinds of loads;
● LCD display equipment parameter in real-time, operation status be clear at a glance
● Output overload, short circuit protection, various of automatic protection and alarm warning;
If you have some problems about 1KW-8KW Home 24v 12v inverter pv solar inverter to ac single phase ac single phase 15kw rack inverter, edo Rack Mount Telecom Inverter-i buruzko xehetasun gehiago ezagutu nahi dituzu,BWITT konpainia,Hasiera Pure Sine Wave Inbertsore,Eguzki MPPT INBERTSADOREA,DC to DC bihurgailua, etab. Ongi etorri gurekin harremanetan jartzeko!
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