Etengailu moduko elikadura-horniduraren helburu nagusia

Aldaketa moduko elikadura-hornidura (SMPS), etengailu moduko elikadura-iturria edo etengailu-bihurgailu gisa ere ezagutzen da, maiztasun handiko energia elektrikoa bihurtzeko gailua eta elikadura-hornidura mota bat da. Its function is to convert a precise voltage into the voltage or current required by the user through different forms of architecture. The input of a switching power supply is mostly an AC power supply (such as mains power) or a DC power supply, while the output is mostly a device that requires a DC power supply, such as a personal computer, and the switching power supply converts the voltage and current between the two.

utzi erantzun bat

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatuta daude *

Pure Sine Inverter 48v dc to AC 120v AC Inbertsore monofasea Potentzia inbertsore
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  • kristin 13:58.PM  Feb.19,2025
    kristin, kristin