What Is The Best Way To Get A Rightrack Mount Inverter?
What Is The Best Way To Get A Rightrack Mount Inverter?

A full-wave zuzentzaile, AC uhin-formaren alde guztiak erabiltzen dituena, is a more talented change choice. Uhin erdiko eta uhin osoko zuzengailuen jarduerari buruzko datuetarako.

The zuzentzaile is a contraption that changes more than two-way exchange current into a solitary direct arranged current.

Individuals are also buying the general Rack muntatzeko inbertsorea, Lifepo4 bateria kargagailua, and Switching power supply at sensible rates because of the turn of events.

Rectifiers can utilize a blend of seen plans, going from vacuum tube diodes and enormous stone radio recipients to present day silicon-based plans. A rectifier is viewed as the best choice among this huge extent of force frameworks.

Zuzentzaile konplexuenak, uhin erdiko zuzengailu gisa ezagutzen dira, work by discarding one side of the AC and permitting just a lone current methodology through. Half-wave rectifiers give an incredibly inefficient change since half of the Lifepo4 bateria kargagailua erabili gabe doa.

Rectifiers are utilized in an assortment of contraptions. Since the normal electrical plan system utilizes AC power, any gadget that requires DC power will require a rectifier to reasonably work. Egoki lan egiteko, all state of the art gadgets require the common, trustworthy power of DC.

DC potentzia egituretan, we besides use rectifiers to change the voltage. Since it is unobtrusively hard to move over DC voltage under settled settings, the most undemanding strategy might be the excess with structure.

In a few reasons, the sound rectifier serves an expedient end past changing AC over to DC. Hartu, adibidez, ustez, lehen irratia:

A fundamental huge stone radio

This gadget utilized a little wire pushed against a jewel (we'll call this segment a diode now), korronte birakaria irrati seinalea aldatu zuena, really confining the sound and sending it through earphones. Zehaztasun zuzentzaileak gaur egun anbiguotasunik gabeko irrati motatan aurkitzen dira.

Fire revision is one more kind of direct change. Taking into account the capability in flexibility among electrons and positive particles present in a fire, a shoot goes presumably as a rectifier in this application. To arrange the opportunity of the fire, gasa berotzeko planetan suaren eragin aldakorra erabiltzen dugu AC-n.

You can track down the wide gathering of rectifiers at sensible rates. Bide honetatik, we are offering a wide decision for all of our clients to pick the best for their use.

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  • kristin 10:12 AM, Gaur
    kristin, kristin